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Must Sees at London Mime Fest

I had the lucky fun of being a Judge for the Total Theatre Awards at this Year's Edinburgh Fringe, seeing Circus, Physical/ Visual and Dance shows, which meant that I got a sneak peak at a bunch of the offering at this year's Mime Fest.

If you want impeccable unmatched physical artistry, treat yourself to "The Artist" by the magical individual Thomas Monckton , the brilliant follow up to his previous smash hit "The Pianist" which toured everywhere and was loved by most everyone.

If magical realism is your thing and you want to spend an hour and a half really having no idea how they move like that, or from whence such mesmerising and enigmatic images and ideas could come, run along to FATHER (VADER) by Peeping Tom. The follow up to MOTHER which played at the Barbican last year delighting audiences who had previously seen "32 rue vandenbranden" and thought there was no way a company could follow that; FATHER is actually the first in the company's trilogy on family, so if you saw MOTHER you can think of this as the prequel...

The must must MUST see, however, is Back Up. It's 30 mins Long, it's only 12 quid. It's intimate, heartfelt and benefits from knowing as little about it as possible. Do yourself a favour, and Get Tickets RIGHT NOW>>>>>>>>>>

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